Friday, December 31, 2010

Bon Voyage 2010

The year 2010 is now signing off.  A lot of memories that we made but what happens at 2010 remains in 2010. Until today we can still remember things that had marked to our life. Different happenings, sad moments, great achievements, & undefinable experiences, no one can forget things what happened in the year of 2010. 

2010 Memories: 
   * No one can forget the recent election that made it as one of the trending issues of our country and it was P-Noy who won the election and seated as the President of the Republic of the Philippines.
   * The Hostage Taking. Everyone is watching the news, it's like watching a movie and everybody was thrilled of the happenings. 

   * The major major Venus Raj. She was placed as the 4th runner up in the Ms. Universe 2010. She gave pride for her country and I'm very proud of her. No one can forget her controversial answer in the contest but still she made wonderful in the end. 

    * The International Sensation Charice Pempengco. Her hit single "Pyramid" and her appearance in the hit TV show "Glee" made her fellow Filipinos proud of her and Charice is really one of a kind.

    * Manny Pacquiao won his 8th title over Margarito. Manny Pacquiao is still on the top and he continue inspiring the hearts of every Filipino.

     * So Many to Mention!! I think Philippines is so much blessed in the year 2010. I wish it will continue this coming 2011. 

This 2010 also made me more courageous and have more faith in the Lord. It was a year that my family encountered blessings, failures and trials in life. Let me share to you the remarkable moments in my life in the year 2010.

A year of Great achievements:
   Part of life that my high school life is about to end. It's my graduation day! It's one of my best days of my life. It's a celebration that I cherished. I'm happy that I will be marching and taking my diploma, but it is more special  because I'm graduating with honors. Graduating with honors was not easy but I was very blessed to have a very supportive family and they were my inspirations in life.

A year of New beginning:
    It's a new challenge for me and that is COLLEGE. Everything was new for me, new life, new friends, and new school. But I need to survive my freshmen year. It's time for me also to choose my interested career. I chose Commerce course, first I wasn't sure about it but I will do my very best to finish it. In my 1st Semester of studying at University of St. La Salle, I didn't expect that I will belong to best class, but everyone seems to be friendly. I was blessed also that I was belong in the Honor List garnering of general weight average of 1.2. Now, I am continuing my ambition and studying at USLS this 2nd Semester.

A year of Biggest Trial:
     This year also test our Faith and ourselves in facing the biggest ordeal of our life. Last October my Mother undergo Tumor operation in her brain. Everybody was praying and hoping that after her surgery everything will be okay. I thought that once the tumor taken from her brain she will back to her condition and will be okay. Sadly, it was not, in the result of the biopsy of the tumor, the tumor was malignant. That moment there are no words could express what I am feeling, everything was undefinable. Last November, a week before my birthday, she had seizure. It was Saturday morning, everyone was panicking what to do but with God's help we rushed her to the hospital. The Doctor suggested to undergo Chemotherapy Treatment because the cancer cells are spreading and it will be difficult to kill. The treatment was held at Cebu City, it was far from us and we should sacrifice  for her to get well. It was the  night before they are living, my father and my brothers had a heart to heart conversation. My father slowly reveal to us what my mom is really suffering, "Mama has Brain Cancer and she is in stage 4, her life is only for 3-6 months." Papa said with a sad voice. My heart is really aching. From that moment, I always remind myself to be strong in the Lord and be courageous. God will never leave us nor forsake us. It's a test, and I'm happy that my family and I are strongly fighting. I believe that I should trust our God, even though I don't understand why these things are happening to us. It is in God's will and surely God knows best.

Year 2010 is about to end, Another year to live to banish worry, doubt, fear and to love, laugh and live. Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.


Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Gift of Heaven

      Christmas is the season of our HEARTS! Everyone is excited to receive and to give gifts on Christmas Day. But let us remember what's special about Christmas? Christmas Day is the Birth Day of our Lord Jesus Christ who was born to save us from our sins. It's remarkable that we give love on Christmas Day and it was a celebration for all of us. It's a time to Praise and Celebrate the Birth of Christ who was risen to be our Lord, and Savior. 

         Celebration and Christmas Party. Wrapping gifts. Singing Carols. Opening your gifts. Sales in the market. Shopping new things. Giving and receiving gifts. Hang out with your Fiends. Go to Church for the mass. And Family Bonding.  These were usual things we do on Christmas Day! But what about the less fortunate people? Do they celebrate Christmas? Yes, they celebrate Christmas, even without food to eat on the celebration day but in their hearts it's already a blessing and a gift to be with their family. Christmas is not about material things we received or how many foods we served. But it's a day of celebration of Birth of Jesus Christ who save us. The unconditional love He gave to us and now we are happily blessed that we are saved and received His wonderful love.
            He is Love, He is Life, He is Joy, He is Peace, He is Jesus and He is The Gift of Heaven.

             Merry Christmas!!! Let your Day be Wonderful and Beautiful. =D    

Friday, December 10, 2010

Facing my true ENEMY!!!

         At this moment, I want to share my own opinion about drinking. In my 17 years of existence, I've never experienced to be drunken or drink any liquor or alcoholic beverages. It has been my family journey that each one of us must learn how to drink and to know how to socialize with other people. But as a Christian, I stand to my principles in life that I should possess an exemplary character not only to my fellow youth but also to the community. 
          Being a teenager, it's hard for me to make friends and to mingle with others. I am not used to go out and go to the clubs that everyone will party, drink beer and have fun, that turned to be the remarkable thing that they could done in life. Sometimes, I think that I will try do those things, for me to expose and to start something new. As I walk in every step of the way, I realized that I accepted Christ in my life, that means I already surrendered all to Him. For me, I should live a life that is pleasing to God and that is Holy and acceptable to Him.
          I also don't like to drink because the moment you've tried it, and you liked it, it will be difficult to resist it. That's why I don't want to risk myself to try to do those things. It like putting yourself in a cage that it's hard to get out. And I don't want to live my life in that way of living.
           One of my reasons of not drinking, we're wonderfully and beautifully made by God. This body is not my property, I don't have the authority to do bad things in this body. God created us in His likeness and image, I should respect this body which God gave this blessing to us. We must protect it from any bad things that will happened.
              Now, it is very clear to me what to do in times of doubt. I should always remember, as Christian I should not be afraid to stand what I believe and show an exemplary character. It's hard but God will always be there to help, to guide and to protect you. By doing this, I'm not just pleasing God but you're also inspiring lives and touching hearts of other people. Face your enemy and make a big DIFFERENCE.

Sunday, November 28, 2010



No arms, No legs, No worries

       Nick Vujicic's life story inspired me and molded me to be more productive person. I realized that our life is a special gift from God, even if, we were born with or without arms or mentally or physically challenged person.  There are no boundaries to hinder us in reaching our goals, no matter who you are. It’s up to us to have determination and perseverance in aiming our dreams. We sometimes worry if what will happen to us if we take risk in life. But Nick Vujicic shown me a positive attitude that taking risks and taking chances will lead us in a successful life. Let’s have no worries because worries don’t help at all, it will make our lives more miserable. We should always remember that we have our God who will help us in all of our troubles and who will provide us from all of our needs. Let us be reminded that, don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Prayer is the most powerful thing that we can do in our life, so let us pray hard because it truly works.
        Let’s make new beginnings and change ourselves into new being. If we do this, we don’t just help ourselves but we can also inspire lives and touch hearts. No arms, no legs, no worries. . .

How to Trust When You're Troubled

How to Trust When You're Troubled
by Charles R. Swindoll

             Some of you are facing what could easily be called an unsolvable problem. It's you I hope to encourage today. Often the situations with no human answers from the basis upon which God does some of His best work.

This is illustrated beautifully in the life of Job, who, in my opinion, is a living example of unsolvable problems. Job's biography includes a clipboard full of questions about suffering. 

Is God fair? Is this situation just? What a person to learn when going through deep waters of suffering?

In Job, we have a unique and rare look within the veil of heaven and behind the scenes on earth.

The Lord said to Satan , "From where do you?" Then Satan answered the Lord and said, "From roaming about on the earth and walking around on it." The Lord said to Satan, "Have you considered My servant Job? For there is no one like him on earth, a blameless and upright man, fearing God and turning away from evil" (Job 1:7-8)

What would God say about you if He where to address Satan right now and tell him about your life? "Have you considered ______," and then he calls your name. As he describes you, what would He say? With some of you, it might fit very closely to what He said about Job - "blameless and upright."

Job's life was a wonderful model of courageous living. Job trusted God in the good times. Now the scene was set to determine if Job wold trust God humanly impossible situations.

The next chapter of job's life is a dark one. he endured loss like few have known. His home. . . destroyed. His family . . . perished. His health . . . ruined. His finances. . . wiped out. His friends. . . questioned his godly reputation.

In the long process of working through his questions and struggles, Job finally resolved to trust God-no matter what. He had worshiped. He had humbled himself. He had sat in silence. He finally responded to his wife, "I accept what God has sent. I have accepted good, now I accept adversity." Read that once more. It is the secret of his stability.

I find three real reasons Job could respond like this. First, he looked up an was comforted by God's sovereignty. He saw more than God's action; he saw his heart. He accepted what God gave and took away. He saw God's sovereign love, and he said to his wife, "Should we not receive both without question?

Job also looked ahead and was reminded of God's promise. In chapter 19:25, Job said, "I know that my Redeemer lives. And at the last He will take His stand on the earth." Job was reminded of God's promise that at the end all will be made right. Looking ahead, he felt spurred on.

Lastly, Job looked within and was shaped by God's instruction. Job 42:6 states that he looked at his life, he repented " in dust and ashes." He saw that God had instructed him in his suffering and illness as in no other way. He said, in effect, "Lord, for the first time, I honestly can say, 'I give myself to You as never before.'"

It's a courageous thing for a believer to give himself to a sovereign God while facing impossible situations. Perhaps that's exactly what you need to do the right now. I recall what a wise and surrendered person once prayed:        

          Lord I am willing to receive what Thou gives. I am willing to lack what Thou withholds. I am willing to relinquish what Thou take. I am willing to suffer for what Thou inflict. I am willing to be what Thou quire. Lord, I'm willing.

Our days have been difficult and nights have been like a tunnel, dark and long, find your comfort in God's sovereign control and everlasting love. Your Savior knows our breaking point. The bruising and crushing and melting you are enduring are designed to reshape you, not ruin you. Your strength and courage increase the longer He lingers over you. Remembering Job's secret can make all the difference.    

Saturday, November 6, 2010

God is so BIG, so STRONG and so MIGHTY

God is so GREAT!

 He is our creator, and we are one of His masterpieces. In Him we experienced the joy in our life, the feeling of being free from our worries and fears. God loves us, He let His son Jesus Christ died on the cross to save us from our sins. In the love of God we stand, for He give us the gift of life. In Him was life and that life is the light of our hand. For His love will endure forever as He lives in our hearts forever...♥

God is so BIG, so STRONG and so MIGHTY, there's nothing our GOD cannot DO...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pray Hard, It Works =D

      Prayer is the most powerful thing that we can do in our life . Praying without ceasing, will answer all  of our questions to our life. Life is very difficult in facing struggles that we may experience, or a puzzle that would be difficult to solve. But with a prayer, it's our energizer or a full battery that will gives us confidence and power that will led us to a victorious journey of life. 

        A lot of significant life situations, we can say that prayer could be a perfect solution. In times of worries and anxieties; Many people today worries about what they will wear, eat or do. Or they worry if what will happened to them if they will face their fears. Prayer can give ease to our situation. It might give us a better result or gives us a little time to breathe of fresh air. In Philippians 4:6-7 says; Don't worry about anything, instead pray about everything. Tell God your needs and don't forget to thank Him for His answers. if we do this, we will experience GOD"S PEACE, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. HIS PEACE will keep our thoughts and our hearts quiet and at rest as you. Trust in Jesus Christ. So why worry, if we can pray?

           Pray hard, it truly works. Sometimes, we can consider ourselves as "prayer warriors". Warriors in the midst of battles. Our equipments are the Gospel of God and our prayers. We can use this as our shield and fighting equipments over darkness and  all powers of evil. This can lead us in winning the battle that will set us free. 

          Pray always, it will solve our problems, answer our questions and guide us in our journey. It can give us peace, that life will be as wonderful as great. It is trusting God who holds the Earth , He will give us rest that we will not worry, not to be hopeless and not to destroy our life. It will help you to have confidence, strength, and courage in our journey. Always remember that whatever is the answer of our prayers, surely God has a perfect reason why this is happening to us. God is too wise to be mistaken, God is so good to be unkind. If we don't understand, if don't see His plan, and if we can't trace His hand. Trust His heart. ☺

       Pray hard, it works!