Sunday, November 28, 2010



No arms, No legs, No worries

       Nick Vujicic's life story inspired me and molded me to be more productive person. I realized that our life is a special gift from God, even if, we were born with or without arms or mentally or physically challenged person.  There are no boundaries to hinder us in reaching our goals, no matter who you are. It’s up to us to have determination and perseverance in aiming our dreams. We sometimes worry if what will happen to us if we take risk in life. But Nick Vujicic shown me a positive attitude that taking risks and taking chances will lead us in a successful life. Let’s have no worries because worries don’t help at all, it will make our lives more miserable. We should always remember that we have our God who will help us in all of our troubles and who will provide us from all of our needs. Let us be reminded that, don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Prayer is the most powerful thing that we can do in our life, so let us pray hard because it truly works.
        Let’s make new beginnings and change ourselves into new being. If we do this, we don’t just help ourselves but we can also inspire lives and touch hearts. No arms, no legs, no worries. . .

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