Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Gift of Heaven

      Christmas is the season of our HEARTS! Everyone is excited to receive and to give gifts on Christmas Day. But let us remember what's special about Christmas? Christmas Day is the Birth Day of our Lord Jesus Christ who was born to save us from our sins. It's remarkable that we give love on Christmas Day and it was a celebration for all of us. It's a time to Praise and Celebrate the Birth of Christ who was risen to be our Lord, and Savior. 

         Celebration and Christmas Party. Wrapping gifts. Singing Carols. Opening your gifts. Sales in the market. Shopping new things. Giving and receiving gifts. Hang out with your Fiends. Go to Church for the mass. And Family Bonding.  These were usual things we do on Christmas Day! But what about the less fortunate people? Do they celebrate Christmas? Yes, they celebrate Christmas, even without food to eat on the celebration day but in their hearts it's already a blessing and a gift to be with their family. Christmas is not about material things we received or how many foods we served. But it's a day of celebration of Birth of Jesus Christ who save us. The unconditional love He gave to us and now we are happily blessed that we are saved and received His wonderful love.
            He is Love, He is Life, He is Joy, He is Peace, He is Jesus and He is The Gift of Heaven.

             Merry Christmas!!! Let your Day be Wonderful and Beautiful. =D    

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